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Pool Maintenance

 At NJPM, we excel in developing customized Commercial Pool Maintenance programs. Our skilled technicians work in tandem with you and your team to keep your swimming pool clean, pristine, clear, and welcoming, catering to both current and prospective members.

Typical Contract Inclusions

Initial Facility Inspection and Opening
  • Initial Facility Inspection - Every contract begins with a comprehensive initial inspection of the facility, followed by a report delivered. This ensures that any existing conditions are thoroughly documented and understood before service commences.
  • Equipment and Inventory Checks – A thorough checking of all equipment and inventory is conducted, with findings systematically reported back. This ensures that all necessary tools and materials are accounted for and in good working order.
  • Pool Cover Management – Removal and secure storage of existing pool covers are handled with care by our staff, ensuring that covers are safely preserved on the property for future use.
  • Pool Water Management – Depending on the condition and quality of the pool water, reclamation techniques may be applied. If necessary, procedures for draining and acid cleaning the pool are implemented, following environmental and safety standards.
  • Repairs and Upgrade Consultations – Owners and managers are advised on any necessary repairs identified during the inspection. Additionally, consultations on efficiency upgrades or other potential solutions are provided to enhance the overall operation of the pool.
General Pool Cleaning Services During Technical Visits
  • Chemical Management – Routine chemical testing is conducted to ensure the pool meets health department standards. Necessary chemical adjustments are made to maintain optimal water quality.
  • Pool Cleaning and Maintenance – Comprehensive pool cleaning tasks include brushing and vacuuming the pool, cleaning skimmer baskets, and waterline tiles to ensure a clean and inviting swimming environment.
  • Filtration System Maintenance – Regular backwashing of the filtration system and cleaning of the Hair & Lint Strainer are performed to ensure the system runs efficiently.
  • Water Level and Chemical Reservoirs – Proper water levels are maintained, and chemical reservoirs are refilled as needed to support ongoing water quality management.
  • Equipment and Safety Inspections – Detailed inspections of filtration equipment and visual checks of main drain covers and other critical pool fixtures are carried out to ensure all components are functioning safely and effectively.
  • Troubleshooting and Support – Basic equipment troubleshooting is provided during each visit, with additional phone support available between visits to address any immediate concerns or questions from the pool management team.

Contact Us Today

When you're ready to dive into planning your next project or discuss your pool service needs, we're all ears! Just take a minute to fill us in on your pool's specifics and the services you're considering. We'll get back to you within 48 hours to confirm the details and arrange our next steps together.